Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Day 1


I believe this must be the biggest number I have seen on the scale for me.

I don't recall what my weight in high school was, just that maybe I was a size 7/8. I had a pooch for a stomach and I wasn't as thin as most of the girls. Shortly after the birth of my son I was a size 7 and weighing in at 133, that was 14 years ago. Then about 11 years ago shortly before I became pregnant with my daughter I was about 150. During the last month of my daughters pregnancy I was a little over 200. Then for about 5 years I was between 178 - 185. I gradually started to gain, and within the last 4 years I have been over 200 pounds and the scale has been climbing.

About a year ago, I got under 200 pounds for a bit. I did it all with exercise. I never truly modified what I ate and then I lost the motivation. This is where this blog comes in, I want to be thin but must of all healthy. I know this weight is causing health issues. I'm having trouble breathing at times and I know it's because of the weight.

Here's to Loosing the weight in 2008!